New facts about COVID-19.



Unfortunately, the virus continues to terrorize the whole world. Despite being vaccinated, COVID-19 spreads and mutates into new forms. Scientists are trying to find an effective remedy to fight the virus. They study it and find new facts about it that will help them find the medicine they need.

New theory.
Scientists suggest that the virus appeared in 2012. And only seven years later, it began to spread around the world at a frantic pace.

Scientists speculate that COVID-19 is the result of a mutation of a virus that was found in a miner in China back in 2012.

The head of the Bioscience Resource Project, Jonathan Latham, argues that this theory can be confirmed because almost all viruses go through many evolutionary stages. Therefore, very often pandemics are the result of a mutation of a virus.

The doctor recalled that back in 2012 in Wuhan province, cases of diseases with similar symptoms were recorded. Miners who exhibit these signs have been exposed to bat droppings. A little later, scientists discovered that the mice were infected with the RaTG13 virus, which is similar to the coronavirus.

American scientists suggested that RaTG13 evolved in miners’ organisms. Chinese scientists decided to keep samples of the virus in a laboratory for further study. In 2019, this evolved virus was leaked and spread throughout the world.

Negative effects of COVID-19.
More than half of people who have had COVID-19 have various negative consequences. Doctors say that even herpes can be post-COVID syndrome.

Also, the negative consequences of COVID may not appear immediately after the illness. They may appear several weeks or months after recovery. Although, most patients feel unwell for several months after COVID. Weakness, cognitive impairment, and fatigue are the most common negative effects of COVID-19.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has published on the official website all symptoms that may appear after COVID-19. They noted that from time to time symptoms may worsen and then subside.

The World Health Organization reports that children have become sick more often over the past few months. Children are more likely than adults to test positive for the virus. In the United States, childhood morbidity is breaking records and has already exceeded the average incidence among the country’s adult population.

Experts are sure that this is the result of the spread of a new strain of the Delta virus, which affects children more than adults. Also, children under 12 years old cannot receive the vaccine, which contributes to the spread of the virus among this part of the population.

Experts say the resumption of schooling is one of the reasons for the sharp rise in Covid-19 cases among children.