The negative side of the digital society.

The rapid development of the media and social networks has led to the democratization of public life. The private lives of many people have become the public domain. Unfortunately, the development of technologies is faster than the culture of their use. Even though the development of technology has simplified the life of society, one suffers from it.

Decrease in the quality of information.
Many people got the opportunity to express their opinions about various aspects of human life. At the same time, they claim that their opinion is the truth, which cannot be refuted. They began to dictate their economic, political, cultural tastes and preferences to society. The professionalism of most of the speakers is of a very low level, and they do not understand what they are talking about.

Social networks are overflowing with primitive blogs that are striking in their emptiness and meaninglessness. People spend time looking at these blogs, but they don’t get any information.

Many blogs are filled with anger, racism, and hate. Everyone can offend another person without receiving any responsibility for it. Children and adolescents are the most vulnerable parts of society who suffer from this kind of impunity.

True professionals cannot fight their way through the crowd of stupid bloggers. They remain in the shadows, and only a few manage to get into the field of view of subscribers. They find it difficult to compete with self-proclaimed “experts” who do not use arguments and common sense in their speeches.

People have lost their sense of reality. They are ready for any action to show themselves at their best. Many people create a virtual ideal world that does not exist in reality.

The social media world can be brutal. If someone tries to be sincere and open, he falls under a flurry of criticism and aggression. Everyone wants to see only the perfect picture, and no one wants to see people as they are. Simple and smart people are forced to abandon publicity or play by the rules of a social society. Society is negatively disposed towards all manifestations of individuality and exclusivity.

Lack of personal boundaries.
If you decide to be active on social networks, you must be prepared that anyone can interfere in your life. People think they have the right to give advice that you don’t ask for, criticize your appearance and lifestyle, and so on.

This is a relatively new type of violence, but its destructive power is no less than physical, sexual, and psychological violence. Anyone who dares to deliberately or unwittingly go beyond the stereotypes of the social world is exposed to threats, intimidation, and public humiliation. Not everyone can handle this kind of persecution.

Decreased intelligence.
Most people don’t learn anything new though. Reading books is becoming less and less popular among young people. Browsing social media and mindless blogs is the only brain activity they want to have. This leads to a decrease in the level of intelligence and culture of the society.